clothes attic wardrobe

If you’re the sort of gal that cannot keep her spending habits in check, then it’s easy to overgrown your old wardrobe. When that happens, the obvious solution isn’t to cut back on spending, but to turn the attic into a wardrobe!

In this article, we will cover how to do that. If you ever felt that this is an impossible task, we will show you why you’re wrong.

Measure Your Space

The first thing you want to do is measure the attic. This will tell you how much room you have to play with. So you’ll likely want to put on your DIY hat and get to work.

Grab a measuring tape, a pen, paper, and start measuring away. Go from one end of the attic to the other and write everything on a piece of paper.

This first tip is very important as it dictates everything else. No one has managed to build anything without properly measuring first, so it’s the natural first step to do.

Scout Unusual Spaces

No doubt an attic is nowhere perfect as any other room in your house. But sadly, this is the best you’ve got when it comes to extra space, so you’ll have to go along with it.

An attic isn’t bad for turning it into a wardrobe, but there might be unusual shapes. This presents a problem that the inner architect in you has to overcome.

While each of you will face unique problems, it’s important to at least identify what these unusual spaces are. If you can’t overcome them, then it’s best to consult with a professional that can suggest how to transform useless space into useful.

Maybe an angled ceiling is just what you need for certain must-have items in your wardrobe such as shoes or boots. But the only way to make that angled ceiling work is to think of a storage solution around it.

Install Lots of Tall Build-Ins

No doubt you’ll face plenty of height issues. Since we are talking about an attic, some of you might be tall enough to eventually bump their heads.

So how do you overcome this issue? The last thing you want is to end up with a bump of your head every time you climb up to grab a pair of ankle boots.

To easily overcome this issue, we suggest you build lots of tall build-ins. Build-ins are excellent for storage. More so, they perfectly go into uneven spaces. If the ceiling doesn’t fall at an alarming angle, then you can cover the space with built-in shelves.

Add Sufficient Lighting

A girl needs sufficient lighting when trying on a new look. Otherwise, how will you know you’re picking the right dress for the occasion? A huge problem when turning your attic into a wardrobe is the need to add multiple lighting sources.

We’re banking that you’re not an expert electrician, so this is surely one area that you’ll look to get help from an expert. Even if you’re devoted to getting things done your way, playing with electricity isn’t something you should be doing.

But regardless, always check if there are enough lighting sources in your attic. You can even open a window to allow natural sunlight to grace you as you’re trying on new clothes.

Mirror, Mirror On the Wall

If you thought that lighting is important, wait until we remind you of this next one. What good is a room with a big wardrobe if there isn’t a mirror? Every attic-turned-wardrobe has to have a big mirror where a woman can inspect her looks and make sure she’s making the correct decision.

When placing the mirror, make sure to place it somewhere with lots of access to lighting, both natural and artificial. Without lighting, it will be nightmarishly difficult to choose the right outfit.

Open Shelves Is the Way To Go

Build-ins are cool and all, but what if your attic is surprisingly flat? What if the ceiling drop doesn’t come at a steep angle? Every attic wardrobe can benefit from open shelving. Open shelves are great, versatile, and very easy to install – you can even do it yourself.

But the best part about open shelves is that they fit excellently when there’s limited space. More so, they’re not expensive at all and you can very easily do them yourself.

Whenever installing open shelves, it would be smart to paint them in a light neutral color to better reflect your space.

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